Ways For Safe Wasp Nest Removal

pest control

Ways For Safe Wasp Nest Removal

By Katelin Rau 10 months ago pest control

When the days start to get longer and warmer, pests too begin to make their presence felt. Falling in the category of most annoying pests are wasps. The presence of wasp nests often urges the owners to remove them immediately. While you might be tempted to do it yourself, it's advisable to seek professional help instead. However, if you follow certain precautions while doing the process, you can still find multiple ways for wasp nest removal. But controlling them requires different materials. So, carefully choose the materials required and do wasp nest removal by yourself with ease.

Start Implementing These Ways For Wasp Nest Removal

Oftentimes, wasps that have built their nest at your home keep threatening your safety despite you maintaining a distance from their nest. Therefore, it is better for you to take the first step by removing their nest by implementing any of the following ways for safe wasp nest removal:

Using Smoke Bombs

Once smoke bombs are set off anywhere near wasp nests, they release powerful smoke into the nest. This insecticide smoke penetrates quickly into the wasp nest and even reaches places that are hard to reach. When the penetration of smoke happens, it slowly kills all the wasps in the nest, be it the queen or worker wasps. The areas where you can use these smoke bombs are attics, ceilings, roof voids, chimneys and so on and so forth. Moreover, they can be used in private houses, food retailers, restaurants, community buildings, warehouses, industrial kitchens, etc.

Essential Oils Blend

Wasps have a strong sense of odour and they cannot stand the smell of some essential oils thus you can take it as an advantage. Certainly, wasps are known for their dislike towards essential oils such as peppermint, lemongrass, marigold, rosemary, basil, spearmint, cloves, etc. So, take about 3 of any essential oils and make a blend with them to pour this blend into a dry and clean spray bottle. Now, shake the contents thoroughly and spray them over the wasp nest to do effective wasp nest removal by yourself.

DIY Chemical Treatment

You can solve your problem of wasp nest removal by choosing a DIY chemical treatment. In fact, all you have to do to implement this method is to purchase the necessary chemicals from the market and act according to the products' labels. As you have better options in chemicals for wasp nest removal, you can do thorough research before choosing one. An important point you need to consider before choosing a chemical is to see if the insecticide has a freezing agent in it. A few most recommended chemical insecticides are as follows:

  • PTWasp and Hornet killer freeze
  • Wasp X Spray
  • Bonide Wasp & Hornet Aerosol
  • Wondercide Wasp nest removal 
  • Avesta CS, etc.

Garbage Bag

Approach the nest very quietly and slowly during the night. Using a garbage bag, the wasp nest has to be covered slowly. Once you have detached the wasp nest from its source- tree or wall, it’s advisable to seal the bag. The garbage bag with the nest must be kept in a tightly fitted lid container. The same must be kept away from the house.

Precautions To Take

  • Plan an exit strategy and removal process carefully.
  • Carry on the process during the nighttime. This is the time when wasps are more docile. Hence, they are less likely to sting.
  • Take the help of protective clothing that covers your legs, arms, feet, hands, and face.
  • Avoid using lanterns and flashlights. They act as signals to wasps indicating to them what you are up to.
  • Keep pets and children away from the nest.


Certain methods of DIY don't work on wasps and instead, wasps become resistant to these methods over a long time. However, if you choose professional wasp specialist services over DIYs, everything would go according to your plan. Moreover, professional pest removal services are as affordable as DIY trick implementation and thus you are free from cost concerns. In fact, professionals have unparalleled knowledge in tailoring unique methods for different kinds of wasp removal at your property. For example, a treatment customised for European wasp nest removal is not the same as that for hornets or social wasps.

Read More: Eliminating Wasps From Home – A Quick Guide.


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